Temporary Visas Australia


Contributory Parent Visa (Subclass 173)

The Contributory Parent Visa (Subclass 173) allows parents to live in Australia with their children for 2 years. This is a temporary visa (provisional visa),  and is for parents of an Australian Citizen, an Australian Permanent Resident or an eligible New Zealand Citizen.

You can be inside or outside Australia when you apply for this visa, but you must be outside of Australia for the visa to be granted. You are not entitled to a bridging visa even though you may be in Australia when you apply for this visa.

This visa allows you to live in Australia for up to two years. This visa cannot be extended or renewed. If you wish to apply for permanent residency, you must lodge your Contributory Parent Visa Subclass 143 before your Subclass 173 Visa expires. By choosing the Subclass 173 Visa option first and later applying for the Subclass 143 Visa, you could spread the costs of the Contributory Parent Visa over those two years.

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Contributory Parent Visa (Subclass 143)

This visa option is for parents who want to live permanently in Australia and are sponsored by their child who is a settled Australian Citizen. This permanent residency visa allows parents of an Australian Citizen, permanent resident or eligible New Zealand Citizen to live in Australia.

You can be in or outside of Australia when applying. If you are in Australia, you can apply only if your temporary visa allows you to apply for another visa while you are in Australia.

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Who would a Contributory Parent Visa (Subclass 143) be suitable for?

Subclass 143 Visa would suit you if:

  • you have a child who is an Australian Citizen, an Australian Permanent Resident or an eligible New Zealand Citizen, and are sponsored by that child, or you hold a temporary Contributory Parent Visa (Subclass 173)
  • your sponsoring child has been a lawful resident in Australia for at least two years
  • your sponsoring child provides in writing a commitment to provide support for you (as the visa applicant) for the first two years of your residency in Australia
  • you meet the balance-of-family test. This means that at last half of your children live as permanent residents in Australia, or more of your children live as permanent residents in Australia than in any other country
  • you meet the health and character requirements of the Australian Government
  • you are prepared to pay higher visa application charges for faster processing

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Contributory Aged Parent Visa (Subclass 884)

Temporary Residency in Australia for older parents is possible through sponsorship of a child and the Contributory Aged Parent Visa (Subclass 884). This is a temporary visa (provisional visa). It is for older parents of an Australian citizen, permanent resident or eligible New Zealand Citizen who is settled in Australia.

It allows you to live in Australia for up to two years. This visa cannot be extended or renewed. If you wish to apply for permanent residency in Australia you must apply for a permanent visa – Contributory Aged Parent Visa (Subclass 864) – before your temporary visa expires.

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Contributory Aged Parent Visa (Subclass 864)

Permanent Residency in Australia for older parents is possible through the Contributory Aged Parent Visa (Subclass 864).

This permanent resident visa allows parents of an Australian Citizen, permanent resident or eligible New Zealand Citizen who is settled in Australia, to live in Australia.

Applicants must be in Australia when they apply for this visa and when the visa is granted. As this is an onshore application, applicants who apply for this visa are entitled to a bridging visa to remain in Australia until a decision is made on the application.

Who would a Contributory Aged Parent Visa (Subclass 864) be suitable for?

A Subclass 864 Visa would suit you if you hold a Contributory Aged Parent Visa (Subclass 884), or:

  • you are in Australia
  • you have a child who is an Australian Citizen, an Australian Permanent Resident or an eligible New Zealand Citizen, and are sponsored by that child
  • your sponsoring child has been a lawful resident in Australia for at least two years
  • your sponsoring child provides in writing a commitment to provide support for you (as the visa applicant) for the first two years of your residency in Australia
  • you meet the balance-of-family test. This means that at last half of your children live as permanent residents in Australia, or more of your children live as permanent residents in Australia than in any other country
  • you meet the age requirements (please see below)
  • you meet the health and character requirements of the Australian Government
  • you are prepared to pay much higher visa application charges for faster processing

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What are the Age Requirements?

Men must be older than 65 years of age to apply for Subclass Visas 864.

The age requirement for women varies, depending on when you were born:

  • If you were born before 30th June 1947 you can apply at the age of 64
  • If you were born between 1st July 1947 and 31st December 1948 you can apply  when you are 64.5 years of age
  • If you were born after 1st January 1949 you can apply when you turn 65.

Partner Visa (Subclass 820) – Temporary

This is a temporary visa. This visa lets the de facto partner or spouse of an Australian citizen, Australian Permanent Resident or eligible New Zealand citizen live in Australia temporarily. This visa leads to in getting the permanent partner visa (subclass 801). The applicant must be in Australia when the applicant applies for the visa. On this visa the applicant can work or study full time in Australia. The applicant can stay for a period of 15 to 24 months. Dependent children can be included in the application.

The applicant must be 18 years or older at the time of applying. The applicant must have a sponsor before applying for the visa.  The sponsor is usually the partner or the spouse. The government must approve the sponsor. The person who sponsors the applicant at the time of the visa must be the same person who sponsors your for 2 years for the temporary visa.

The applicant must meet the relationship requirements for. e.g. If an applicant is married the marriage should be genuine, applicant and spouse should be committed to share a life together, must live with spouse, etc. if an applicant is having de facto partner the applicant should be in a de facto relationship for minimum of 12 months, the relationship should be genuine, must be staying together, must not be married to each other, and should not be related to the family.

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Partner Visa (Subclass 801) – Permanent

This is a permanent visa. This visa lets the de facto partner or spouse of an Australian citizen, Australian Permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen live in Australia permanently. It is usually for the people who currently hold a temporary partner visa (subclass 820). The applicant can live, work or study in Australia permanently. The applicant becomes the permanent resident of Australia the day visa is granted.  Dependent children can be included in the application.

The applicant must be 18 years of age at the time of filing the application. The applicant must have the Partner Visa (Subclass 820) before applying for a permanent partner visa. The applicant must meet the relationship requirement as in the Partner Visa (Subclass 820).

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Working Holiday Visa’s (Subclass 417 and Subclass 462)

There are two different types of working holiday visa. It provides the people between the age group of 18-35 to explore and experience life in Australia. With this visa the applicant can work and travel around Australia.  This visa is granted for 1 year which can be extended two additional 1 year if the applicant meets the requirements.

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Working Holiday Visa (Subclass 417 & 462)

This is a temporary visa for the people aged between 18-35 years who wish to travel to Australia for the period of 1 year. The applicant must be from the list of eligible passport holders in order to apply for working Holiday Visas.  This visa allows the applicant to study for up to months or work for 6 months in Australia. The applicant can work for more than 6 months if he/she does not work with the same employer. In order to get the visa extended for additional 1 year the applicant needs to work in the regional area for minimum 3 months while holding the first working Holiday Visa.

Under subclass 417 people from 22 countries can apply whereas under subclass 462 people from 19 countries can apply for visa.

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Working Holiday Visa (Subclass 417 & 462)

This is a temporary visa for the people aged between 18-35 years who wish to travel to Australia for the period of 1 year. The applicant must be from the list of eligible passport holders in order to apply for working Holiday Visas.  This visa allows the applicant to study for up to months or work for 6 months in Australia. The applicant can work for more than 6 months if he/she does not work with the same employer. In order to get the visa extended for additional 1 year the applicant needs to work in the regional area for minimum 3 months while holding the first working Holiday Visa.

Under subclass 417 people from 22 countries can apply whereas under subclass 462 people from 19 countries can apply for visa.

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Visitor Visa (Subclass 601, 651, 600)

There are three types of visitor visas available to visit Australia. A visitor visa may be granted for single or multiple entries from 1 month to 18 months stay in Australia.

  • eVisitor visa (Subclass 651) – This visa is only for the applicants who holds the passports mainly from European countries who wish to visit Australia for tourism or business purpose.
  • Electronic Travel authority (Subclass 601) – This visa is for the eligible passport holders from some of the non European countries who are willing to visit Australia for Tourism or business purpose.
  • Visitor Visa (Subclass 600) – This visa is for all the applicants who do not qualify under the subclass 601 & 651. This visa includes applications for tourist stream, business visitor stream, sponsored family stream, and approved destination status stream.

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